API: 测试

Flow 测试


Flow testing can be fully automated using a MockNetwork composed of StartedMockNode nodes. Each StartedMockNode behaves like a regular Corda node, but its services are either in-memory or mocked out.

Flow 的测试可以使用一个 MockNetworkStartedMockNode 节点来完全自动的执行。每个 StartedMockNode 就像是一个常规的 Corda 节点,但是它的服务会在内存中或者是虚构的。

A MockNetwork is created as follows:

一个 MockNetwork 向下边这样来创建:

import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetwork
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetworkParameters
import net.corda.testing.node.StartedMockNode
import net.corda.testing.node.TestCordapp.Companion.findCordapp
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before

class MockNetworkTestsTutorial {

    private val mockNet = MockNetwork(MockNetworkParameters(listOf(findCordapp("com.mycordapp.package"))))

    fun cleanUp() {
import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name;
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetwork;
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetworkParameters;
import net.corda.testing.node.StartedMockNode;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;

import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static net.corda.testing.node.TestCordapp.findCordapp;

public class MockNetworkTestsTutorial {

    private final MockNetwork mockNet = new MockNetwork(new MockNetworkParameters(singletonList(findCordapp("com.mycordapp.package"))));

    public void cleanUp() {

The MockNetwork requires at a minimum a list of CorDapps to be installed on each StartedMockNode. The CorDapps are looked up on the classpath by package name, using TestCordapp.findCordapp. TestCordapp.findCordapp scans the current classpath to find the CorDapp that contains the given package. This includes all the associated CorDapp metadata present in its MANIFEST.

MockNetwork 至少需要一个将会被安装在每个 StartedMockNode 上的 CorDapps 列表。使用 TestCordapp.findCordapp CorDapps 能够通过包名在 classpath 上被查询。TestCordapp.findCordapp 会扫描当前的 classpth 来找到包含指定包的 CorDapp。这包括了所有在它的 MANIFEST 中展示的相关的 CorDapp metadata。

MockNetworkParameters provides other properties for the network which can be tweaked. They default to sensible values if not specified.

MockNetworkParameters 提供给了对于网络的其他属性。如果没有指定值的话,默认会使用有意义的值。


Nodes are created on the MockNetwork using:

节点可以在 MockNetwork 上被创建:

    private lateinit var nodeA: StartedMockNode
    private lateinit var nodeB: StartedMockNode

    fun setUp() {
        nodeA = mockNet.createNode()
        // We can optionally give the node a name.
        nodeB = mockNet.createNode(CordaX500Name("Bank B", "London", "GB"))
    private StartedMockNode nodeA;
    private StartedMockNode nodeB;

    public void setUp() {
        nodeA = mockNet.createNode();
        // We can optionally give the node a name.
        nodeB = mockNet.createNode(new CordaX500Name("Bank B", "London", "GB"));

Nodes added using createNode are provided a default set of node parameters. However, it is also possible to provide different parameters to each node using MockNodeParameters. Of particular interest are configOverrides which allow you to override some of the default node configuration options. Please refer to the MockNodeConfigOverrides class for details what can currently be overridden. Also, the additionalCordapps parameter allows you to add extra CorDapps to a specific node. This is useful when you wish for all nodes to load a common CorDapp but for a subset of nodes to load CorDapps specific to their role in the network.

使用 createNode 创建的节点会被提供一系列的默认的节点参数。然而,也可以使用 MockNodeParameters 来为每个节点提供不同的参数。其中一个特别的是 configOverrides,它允许你能够重载一些默认的节点配置。请参考 MockNodeConfigOverrides 类查看当前都有哪些可以被重载。并且 additionalCordapps 参数允许你想一个指定的节点添加额外的 CorDapp。这对于如果你想要所有的节点都运行一个通用的 CorDapp,但是对于其中的部分节点会加载针对于他们在这个网络中的角色而特定的 CorDapps 的情况更加有用。


When using a MockNetwork, you must be careful to ensure that all the nodes have processed all the relevant messages before making assertions about the result of performing some action. For example, if you start a flow to update the ledger but don’t wait until all the nodes involved have processed all the resulting messages, your nodes’ vaults may not be in the state you expect.

当使用一个 MockNetwork 的时候,在你想要确认在执行一些操作之后的结果的时候,必须要小心地确保所有的节点都已经处理完所有的消息了。比如,如果你开始一个 flow 来更新账本,但是如果没有等到所有相关的节点已经处理完所有结果的信息的话,你的节点的 vaults 可能并没有到达你想要的状态。

When networkSendManuallyPumped is set to false, you must manually initiate the processing of received messages. You manually process received messages as follows:

  • StartedMockNode.pumpReceive() processes a single message from the node’s queue
  • MockNetwork.runNetwork() processes all the messages in every node’s queue until there are no further messages to process

networkSendManuallyPumped 被设置为 false 的时候,你必须要手动地初始一个接收消息的过程。你可以详下边这样手动地处理接收到的消息:

  • StartedMockNode.pumpReceive() 从节点的 queue 中处理一条信息
  • MockNetwork.runNetwork() 处理每个节点的 queue 里的所有消息,直到没有消息需要被处理

When networkSendManuallyPumped is set to true, nodes will automatically process the messages they receive. You can block until all messages have been processed using MockNetwork.waitQuiescent().

networkSendManuallyPumped 被设置为 true 的时候,节点将会自动地处理接收到的消息。你可以使用 MockNetwork.waitQuiescent() 来阻塞知道所有的消息都被处理。


If threadPerNode is set to true, networkSendManuallyPumped must also be set to true.


如果 threadPerNode 被设置为 truenetworkSendManuallyPumped 必须也被设置为 true

运行 flows

A StartedMockNode starts a flow using the StartedNodeServices.startFlow method. This method returns a future representing the output of running the flow.

StartedMockNode 使用 StartedNodeServices.startFlow 启动一个 flow。这个方法返回一个运行这个 flow 会在将来产生的 output。

val signedTransactionFuture = nodeA.services.startFlow(IOUFlow(iouValue = 99, otherParty = nodeBParty))
CordaFuture<SignedTransaction> future = startFlow(a.getServices(), new ExampleFlow.Initiator(1, nodeBParty));

The network must then be manually run before retrieving the future’s value:


val signedTransactionFuture = nodeA.services.startFlow(IOUFlow(iouValue = 99, otherParty = nodeBParty))
// Assuming network.networkSendManuallyPumped == false.
val signedTransaction = future.get();
CordaFuture<SignedTransaction> future = startFlow(a.getServices(), new ExampleFlow.Initiator(1, nodeBParty));
// Assuming network.networkSendManuallyPumped == false.
SignedTransaction signedTransaction = future.get();

在内部访问 StartedMockNode

查询节点的 vault

Recorded states can be retrieved from the vault of a StartedMockNode using:

可以使用下边的代码从一个 StartedMockNode 的 vault 中获取记录的 states:

val myStates = nodeA.services.vaultService.queryBy<MyStateType>().states
List<MyStateType> myStates = node.getServices().getVaultService().queryBy(MyStateType.class).getStates();

This allows you to check whether a given state has (or has not) been stored, and whether it has the correct attributes.

这就允许你能够检查对于一个给定的 state 是否已经被存储了,以及它是否含有正确的属性。


Recorded transactions can be retrieved from the transaction storage of a StartedMockNode using:

可以使用下边的代码从一个 StartedMockNode 的交易存储中获取回来已经记录的交易信息:

val transaction = nodeA.services.validatedTransactions.getTransaction(transaction.id)
SignedTransaction transaction = nodeA.getServices().getValidatedTransactions().getTransaction(transaction.getId())

This allows you to check whether a given transaction has (or has not) been stored, and whether it has the correct attributes.


This allows you to check whether a given state has (or has not) been stored, and whether it has the correct attributes.

这就允许你能够检查对于一个给定的 state 是否已经被存储了,以及它是否含有正确的属性。


  • See the flow testing tutorial here
  • See the oracle tutorial here for information on testing @CordaService classes
  • Further examples are available in the Example CorDapp in Java and Kotlin
  • 查看 这里 了解 flow 测试教程
  • 查看 here 了解 Oracle 教程及对于测试 @CordaService 类的信息
  • 在样例 CorDapp 中更多的例子 Java and Kotlin

Contract 测试

The Corda test framework includes the ability to create a test ledger by calling the ledger function on an implementation of the ServiceHub interface.

Corda 测试框架包含了通过在一个 ServiceHub 接口的实现之上调用 ledger 方法创建一个测试账本的能力。

测试 identities

You can create dummy identities to use in test transactions using the TestIdentity class:

你可以使用 TestIdentity 类来创建可以用于测试交易的虚构的 identities:

val bigCorp = TestIdentity((CordaX500Name("BigCorp", "New York", "GB")))
private static final TestIdentity bigCorp = new TestIdentity(new CordaX500Name("BigCorp", "New York", "GB"));

TestIdentity exposes the following fields and methods:

TestIdentity 暴露了下边的字段和方法:

val identityParty: Party = bigCorp.party
val identityName: CordaX500Name = bigCorp.name
val identityPubKey: PublicKey = bigCorp.publicKey
val identityKeyPair: KeyPair = bigCorp.keyPair
val identityPartyAndCertificate: PartyAndCertificate = bigCorp.identity
Party identityParty = bigCorp.getParty();
CordaX500Name identityName = bigCorp.getName();
PublicKey identityPubKey = bigCorp.getPublicKey();
KeyPair identityKeyPair = bigCorp.getKeyPair();
PartyAndCertificate identityPartyAndCertificate = bigCorp.getIdentity();

You can also create a unique TestIdentity using the fresh method:

你也可以使用 fresh 方法创建一个唯一的 TestIdentity

val uniqueTestIdentity: TestIdentity = TestIdentity.fresh("orgName")
TestIdentity uniqueTestIdentity = TestIdentity.Companion.fresh("orgName");


A mock implementation of ServiceHub is provided in MockServices. This is a minimal ServiceHub that suffices to test contract logic. It has the ability to insert states into the vault, query the vault, and construct and check transactions.

MockServices 中提供了对于 ServiceHub 的一个虚拟的实现。这是一个最小化的 ServiceHub 足够用来测试 contract 逻辑。它能够将 states 插入到 vault,查询 vault,以及构建和检查 transactions。

private val ledgerServices = MockServices(
        // A list of packages to scan for cordapps
        // The identity represented by this set of mock services. Defaults to a test identity.
        // You can also use the alternative parameter initialIdentityName which accepts a
        // [CordaX500Name]
        mock<IdentityService>().also {
    ledgerServices = new MockServices(
            // A list of packages to scan for cordapps
            // The identity represented by this set of mock services. Defaults to a test identity.
            // You can also use the alternative parameter initialIdentityName which accepts a
            // [CordaX500Name]
            // An implementation of [IdentityService], which contains a list of all identities known
            // to the node. Use [makeTestIdentityService] which returns an implementation of
            // [InMemoryIdentityService] with the given identities

Alternatively, there is a helper constructor which just accepts a list of TestIdentity. The first identity provided is the identity of the node whose ServiceHub is being mocked, and any subsequent identities are identities that the node knows about. Only the calling package is scanned for cordapps and a test IdentityService is created for you, using all the given identities.

或者,这里还有一个仅仅接收一个 TestIdentity 列表的 helper 构造函数。提供的第一个 identity 是模拟 ServiceHub 的节点的 identity,后续的 identities 是这个节点了解的其他的节点的 identities。只有这个调用的包会被扫描 CorDapps 并且一个测试的 IdentityService 会使用所有给定的属性被创建。

private val simpleLedgerServices = MockServices(
        // This is the identity of the node
        // Other identities the test node knows about
private final MockServices simpleLedgerServices = new MockServices(
        // This is the identity of the node
        // Other identities the test node knows about


The ServiceHub.ledger extension function allows you to create a test ledger. Within the ledger wrapper you can create transactions using the transaction function. Within a transaction you can define the input and output states for the transaction, alongside any commands that are being executed, the timeWindow in which the transaction has been executed, and any attachments, as shown in this example test:

ServiceHub.ledger 扩展方法允许你能够创建一个测试的账本。在账本的 wrapper 中,你可以使用 transaction 方法来创建 transactions。在一个 transaction 中,你可以为 transaction 定义 inputoutput states,以及任何的会被执行的 commands,transaction 需要遵循的 timeWindow,和任何的 attachments,就像下边的测试例子:

fun simpleCPMoveSuccess() {
    val inState = getPaper()
    ledgerServices.ledger(dummyNotary.party) {
        transaction {
            input(CP_PROGRAM_ID, inState)
            command(megaCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Move())
            output(CP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inState.withOwner(alice.party))
public void simpleCPMoveSuccess() {
    ICommercialPaperState inState = getPaper();
    ledger(ledgerServices, l -> {
        l.transaction(tx -> {
            tx.input(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, inState);
            tx.command(megaCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
            tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inState.withOwner(alice.getParty()));
            return tx.verifies();
        return Unit.INSTANCE;

Once all the transaction components have been specified, you can run verifies() to check that the given transaction is valid.

当所有的 transaction 组件都被指定,你可以运行 verifies() 来检查给定的 transaction 是否是有效的。

检查失败的 states

In order to test for failures, you can use the failsWith method, or in Kotlin the fails with helper method, which assert that the transaction fails with a specific error. If you just want to assert that the transaction has failed without verifying the message, there is also a fails method.

为了测试失败的情况,你可以使用 failsWith 方法,或者在 kotlin 中 fails with helper 方法,它可以造成 transaction 由于一个指定的错误而失败。如果你只是想造成 transaction 失败而不需要指定消息的话,也可以使用 fails 方法。

fun simpleCPMoveFails() {
    val inState = getPaper()
    ledgerServices.ledger(dummyNotary.party) {
        transaction {
            input(CP_PROGRAM_ID, inState)
            command(megaCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Move())
            `fails with`("the state is propagated")
public void simpleCPMoveFails() {
    ICommercialPaperState inState = getPaper();
    ledger(ledgerServices, l -> {
        l.transaction(tx -> {
            tx.input(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, inState);
            tx.command(megaCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
            return tx.failsWith("the state is propagated");
        return Unit.INSTANCE;


The transaction DSL forces the last line of the test to be either a verifies or fails with statement.


Transaction DSL 强制这个测试的最后一行或者是一个 verifies 或者是 fails with 语句。


Within a single transaction block, you can assert several times that the transaction constructed so far either passes or fails verification. For example, you could test that a contract fails to verify because it has no output states, and then add the relevant output state and check that the contract verifies successfully, as in the following example:

在一个 transaction 块中,对于构建好的一个 transaction,你可以制造出多次的成功或者失败的验证。比如,你可以测试一个 contract 由于没有 output states 而失败,然后添加相关的 output state 并且检查这个 contract 是否能够成功,像下边的例子那样:

fun simpleCPMoveFailureAndSuccess() {
    val inState = getPaper()
    ledgerServices.ledger(dummyNotary.party) {
        transaction {
            input(CP_PROGRAM_ID, inState)
            command(megaCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Move())
            `fails with`("the state is propagated")
            output(CP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inState.withOwner(alice.party))
public void simpleCPMoveSuccessAndFailure() {
    ICommercialPaperState inState = getPaper();
    ledger(ledgerServices, l -> {
        l.transaction(tx -> {
            tx.input(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, inState);
            tx.command(megaCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
            tx.failsWith("the state is propagated");
            tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inState.withOwner(alice.getParty()));
            return tx.verifies();
        return Unit.INSTANCE;

You can also use the tweak function to create a locally scoped transaction that you can make changes to and then return to the original, unmodified transaction. As in the following example:

你也可以使用 tweak 方法来创建一个本地范围的 transaction,你就可以对它进行改动然后返回给原始的没有改变过的 transaction。像下边的例子那样:

fun `simple issuance with tweak and top level transaction`() {
    ledgerServices.transaction(dummyNotary.party) {
        output(CP_PROGRAM_ID, "paper", getPaper()) // Some CP is issued onto the ledger by MegaCorp.
        tweak {
            // The wrong pubkey.
            command(bigCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Issue())
            `fails with`("output states are issued by a command signer")
        command(megaCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Issue())
public void simpleIssuanceWithTweakTopLevelTx() {
    transaction(ledgerServices, tx -> {
        tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "paper", getPaper()); // Some CP is issued onto the ledger by MegaCorp.
        tx.tweak(tw -> {
            tw.command(bigCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
            return tw.failsWith("output states are issued by a command signer");
        tx.command(megaCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
        return tx.verifies();

将 transactions 链起来

The following example shows that within a ledger, you can create more than one transaction in order to test chains of transactions. In addition to transaction, unverifiedTransaction can be used, as in the example below, to create transactions on the ledger without verifying them, for pre-populating the ledger with existing data. When chaining transactions, it is important to note that even though a transaction verifies successfully, the overall ledger may not be valid. This can be verified separately by placing a verifies or fails statement within the ledger block.

下边的例子显示了在一个 ledger 中,你可以创建多于一个的 transaction 来测试 transactions 链。除了 transaction,``unverifiedTransaction`` 也可以像下边的例子那样被用来在账本上创建 transaction 而不需要验证它们,以此向账本中预先录入一些已经存在的数据。当把 transactions 链起来的时候,很重要的需要注意的一点是尽管一个 transaction verifies 成功了,但是整个账本可能不是有效的。这个可以通过使用一个在 ledger 中的 verifies 或者 fails 语句分别来验证。

fun `chain commercial paper double spend`() {
    val issuer = megaCorp.party.ref(123)
    ledgerServices.ledger(dummyNotary.party) {
        unverifiedTransaction {
            output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "alice's $900", 900.DOLLARS.CASH issuedBy issuer ownedBy alice.party)

        // Some CP is issued onto the ledger by MegaCorp.
        transaction("Issuance") {
            output(CP_PROGRAM_ID, "paper", getPaper())
            command(megaCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Issue())

        transaction("Trade") {
            input("alice's $900")
            output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "borrowed $900", 900.DOLLARS.CASH issuedBy issuer ownedBy megaCorp.party)
            output(CP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", "paper".output<ICommercialPaperState>().withOwner(alice.party))
            command(alice.publicKey, Cash.Commands.Move())
            command(megaCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Move())

        transaction {
            // We moved a paper to another pubkey.
            output(CP_PROGRAM_ID, "bob's paper", "paper".output<ICommercialPaperState>().withOwner(bob.party))
            command(megaCorp.publicKey, CommercialPaper.Commands.Move())

public void chainCommercialPaperDoubleSpend() {
    PartyAndReference issuer = megaCorp.ref(defaultRef);
    ledger(ledgerServices, l -> {
        l.unverifiedTransaction(tx -> {
            tx.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "alice's $900",
                    new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(900), issuer), alice.getParty()));
            return Unit.INSTANCE;

        // Some CP is issued onto the ledger by MegaCorp.
        l.transaction("Issuance", tx -> {
            tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "paper", getPaper());
            tx.command(megaCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
            return tx.verifies();

        l.transaction("Trade", tx -> {
            tx.input("alice's $900");
            tx.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "borrowed $900", new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(900), issuer), megaCorp.getParty()));
            JavaCommercialPaper.State inputPaper = l.retrieveOutput(JavaCommercialPaper.State.class, "paper");
            tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inputPaper.withOwner(alice.getParty()));
            tx.command(alice.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
            tx.command(megaCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
            return tx.verifies();

        l.transaction(tx -> {
            JavaCommercialPaper.State inputPaper = l.retrieveOutput(JavaCommercialPaper.State.class, "paper");
            // We moved a paper to other pubkey.
            tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "bob's paper", inputPaper.withOwner(bob.getParty()));
            tx.command(megaCorp.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
            return tx.verifies();
        return Unit.INSTANCE;


  • See the flow testing tutorial here
  • Further examples are available in the Example CorDapp in Java and Kotlin
  • 这里 查看 flow 测试教程
  • 在 CorDapp 例子中更过的例子在 Java and Kotlin