Blob 查看器

There are many benefits to having a custom binary serialisation format (see Object serialization for details) but one disadvantage is the inability to view the contents in a human-friendly manner. The Corda Blob Inspector tool alleviates this issue by allowing the contents of a binary blob file (or URL end-point) to be output in either YAML or JSON. It uses JacksonSupport to do this (see JSON).

对于自定义的二进制序列化格式(查看 Object serialization 更多详细信息)是有很多好处的,但是一个不好的地方是没办法用自然人的方式来查看里边的内容。Blob 查看器工具通过允许将一个二进制 blob 文件(或者一个 URL end-point)的内容输出为 YAML 或者 JSON 的方式解决了这个问题。它使用 JacksonSupport 实现了这个功能(查看 JSON)。

The tool can be downloaded from here.

该工具的最新版本可以从 这里 下载。

To run simply pass in the file or URL as the first parameter:

想要运行它,只需要简单地将文件或者 URL 作为第一个参数传给它:

java -jar blob-inspector.jar <file or URL>

Use the --help flag for a full list of command line options.

使用 --help 标记查看关于这个命令的所有选项。

When inspecting your custom data structures, there’s no need to include the jars containing the class definitions for them in the classpath. The blob inspector (or rather the serialization framework) is able to synthesize any classes found in the blob that aren’t on the classpath.

当查看你自定义的数据结构的时候,不需要在 classpath 中包含这些类定义的 jars。Blob 查看器(或者更像是一个序列化框架) 能够将任何没有在 classpath 上的 blob 中的类分析出来。


The inspector can read input data in three formats: raw binary, hex encoded text and base64 encoded text. For instance if you have retrieved your binary data and it looks like this:

这个查看器能够以三种格式阅读 input data,hex 编码文字和 base64 编码文字。比如你获取回来的二进制数据像下边这样:


then you have hex encoded data. If it looks like this it’s base64 encoded:

接着你有 hex 编码的数据。如果它看起来像这样的话,那应该是 base64 编码:


And if it looks like something vomited over your screen it’s raw binary. You don’t normally need to care about these differences because the tool will try every format until it works.


Something that’s useful to know about Corda’s format is that it always starts with the word “corda” in binary. Try hex decoding 636f726461 using the online hex decoder tool here to see for yourself.

关于 Corda 的格式很有用的需要了解的东西是在二进制中,它总是会以单词 “corda” 来开头。试着使用 在线 hex 解码工具 来解码 hex 636f726461。

Output data can be in either a slightly extended form of YaML or JSON. YaML (Yet another markup language) is a bit easier to read for humans and is the default. JSON can of course be parsed by any JSON library in any language.

输出的数据 可以是一个稍微扩展自 YaML 或者 JSON 形式。YaML(Yet another markup language)更容易被人类阅读并且是默认的。JSON 当然也可以被任何的语言中的 JSON 类库来解析。


One thing to note is that the binary blob may contain embedded SerializedBytes objects. Rather than printing these out as a Base64 string, the blob inspector will first materialise them into Java objects and then output those. You will see this when dealing with classes such as SignedData or other structures that attach a signature, such as the nodeInfo-* files or the network-parameters file in the node’s directory.


一点需要注意的是二进制 blob 可能会包含内置的 SerializedBytes 对象。Blob 查看器不会将他们输出为 Base64 的字符串,而是将他们转换到 Java 对象中,然后再输出。当你在处理像 SignedData 或者其他的带有签名的结构,比如节点路径下的 nodeInfo-* 文件或者 network-parameters 文件的时候你会看到它。


Here’s what a node-info file from the node’s data directory may look like:

下边是来自于节点的数据路径的一个 node-info 文件:

  • YAML:
  class: "net.corda.core.node.NodeInfo"
    - "localhost:10005"
    - "O=BankOfCorda, L=London, C=GB"
    platformVersion: 4
    serial: 1527851068715
- !!binary |-
  • JSON:
  "raw" : {
    "class" : "net.corda.core.node.NodeInfo",
    "deserialized" : {
      "addresses" : [ "localhost:10005" ],
      "legalIdentitiesAndCerts" : [ "O=BankOfCorda, L=London, C=GB" ],
      "platformVersion" : 4,
      "serial" : 1527851068715
  "signatures" : [ "VFRy4frbgRDbCpK1Vo88PyUoj01vbRnMR3ROR2abTFk7yJ14901aeScX/CiEP+CDGiMRsdw01cXthKSobAY7Dw==" ]

Notice the file is actually a serialised SignedNodeInfo object, which has a raw property of type SerializedBytes<NodeInfo>. This property is materialised into a NodeInfo and is output under the deserialized field.

我们会注意到这个文件其实是一个被序列化的 SignedNodeInfo 对象,它含有一个类型为 SerializedBytes<NodeInfo>raw 属性。这个属性被转换成了 NodeInfo 并且被输出到 deserialized 字段的下边。


The blob inspector can be started with the following command-line options:

blob 查看器可以带有下边的命令行选项来被启动:

blob-inspector [-hvV] [--full-parties] [--schema] [--format=type]
               [--input-format=type] [--logging-level=<loggingLevel>] SOURCE
  • --format=type: Output format. Possible values: [YAML, JSON]. Default: YAML.
  • --input-format=type: Input format. If the file can’t be decoded with the given value it’s auto-detected, so you should never normally need to specify this. Possible values [BINARY, HEX, BASE64]. Default: BINARY.
  • --full-parties: Display the owningKey and certPath properties of Party and PartyAndReference objects respectively.
  • --schema: Print the blob’s schema first.
  • --verbose, --log-to-console, -v: If set, prints logging to the console as well as to a file.
  • --logging-level=<loggingLevel>: Enable logging at this level and higher. Possible values: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. Default: INFO.
  • --help, -h: Show this help message and exit.
  • --version, -V: Print version information and exit.


install-shell-extensions: Install blob-inspector alias and auto completion for bash and zsh. See Shell extensions for CLI Applications for more info.